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Erosion Control: Preserving Sites and Landscapes

Erosion Control: Preserving Sites and Landscapes, erosion is the process of wearing away and transporting soil, rock and other materials by wind, water or ice. It is a natural process that occurs over time but it can be accelerated by human activities such as construction and agriculture.

Erosion can have a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Loss of soil fertility
  • Siltation of waterways
  • Flooding
  • Damage to infrastructure
  • Damage to property

Erosion control methods are used to protect sites and landscapes from the damaging effects of erosion. These methods can be divided into two categories:

  • Vegetative erosion control methods: These methods involve using plants to cover the soil and protect it from erosion. Examples of vegetative erosion control methods include planting trees, shrubs and grasses and using mulch.
  • Structural erosion control methods: These methods involve using physical structures to protect the soil from erosion. Examples of structural erosion control methods include retaining walls, gabions and riprap.

Common erosion control methods

Here are some of the most common erosion control methods:

  • Planting vegetation: Planting trees, shrubs and grasses is one of the most effective ways to control erosion. Vegetation helps to hold soil in place and reduce runoff.
  • Mulching: Mulching is another effective way to control erosion. Mulch helps to protect the soil from the impact of raindrops and wind and it also helps to retain moisture.
  • Retaining walls: Retaining walls are used to hold soil in place on slopes. They can be made from a variety of materials including concrete, stone and wood.
  • Gabions: Gabions are cages made of wire mesh that are filled with rocks or other materials. They are used to protect riverbanks and shorelines from erosion.
  • Riprap: Riprap is a layer of large rocks that is used to protect shorelines and other areas from erosion.

Choosing the right erosion control method

The best erosion control method for a particular site will depend on a number of factors including the type of soil the slope of the land and the climate. It is important to consult with an erosion control expert to choose the right method for your site.


Erosion control is an important part of protecting sites and landscapes from the damaging effects of erosion. By using the right erosion control methods you can help to preserve your site or landscape for future generations.

If you are concerned about erosion on your property contact Viv Construct Group today. We offer a variety of erosion control services and we can help you to choose the right method for your site.